The best way to get to know someone is to find out how they spend their time and who they spend their time with is an old adage that leaves out one glaring component, what does that person notice and how do they interpret the signals they receive from their surrounding. An easy example of this are flags, the confederate flag has been under recent discussion in southern states in a way that has been previously unheard of. Racial lines are the easiest drawn and most preyed upon by the media and by politicians to gain support. The simple us and them approach never applied to me, being adopted I always looked different then my surroundings. I can remember little children pointing at me and asking their parents “what’s that?”
To be an individual or to be part of a group is a question the faces every individual and in a multitude of weighs. no two people are alike from their genetics to their upbringing. people often have similarities but no two people are identical one hundred percent. The benefits and detriments of being alone or in a group are hard to be measured and might be used as a crutch by the individual to take ownership of their life. Personally I find myself always longing for what i do not have at the moment. if i am at the house i wish i was out and if i am out i wish i was at the house.
Ideas or materials because unless you are a part of the one percent you can’t have both. what is more important to someone is often shown by how that person spends their time and money. Volunteer at a church or play in a pool league there are many way to spend your time. With online stores like amazon there is also a worldwide range of ways to spend your money as well. Hobbies can turn into business when you spend your money on items that be sold later for more money and a cycle develops and is easily maintained as long as all parties have a source of income.
Naturalism verse constructivism the battle between the traditional art loving free spirits and the stereotypical engineers and chemist of the world. How do you express yourself and what makes sense to you. Do you like to dance or do you like to solve equations. Very few people are both. I strive be be both, dying and tang, up and down. It has always been important to be athletic and have “jock” qualities and it was important that i was a thespian and spent my time putting on shows with my friends.
Voluntarism or Social determinism. Is it more important to volunteer to help ones poor in the society or volunteer to help the wealthy for political gain. There are only twenty four hours in a day and since time is not infinite we must prioritize what to spend our time doing. who we choose to help says a lot about ones character and that persons value system and what they prioritize.
Moralism or in other words every individual moral compass and why their arrow points certain ways. the opposite of material equality where your say is based upon how much you have. Morality at its core says everyone is equal over the law. Back in US history certain individuals were only deemed three gifts of a person in voting purposes because of the color of their skin. Morality wouldn’t be on our off forefathers side is this case it appears.
The one thing that i have not taken into consideration is how much money the individual has a great bearing on how that individual interrupts signals in the world. How someone prioritizes money as well plays a big role in their interpretations. Last night i just spent twelve hundred dollars on various video game systems and that left me with only three thousand dollars to my name. Most people wouldn’t consider doing such a thing but since i believe in my ability to restore and sell those video games to earn back my money I can justify it is a self serving business if I can keep a couple of my favorites and sell the rest to make back. Video games are important to me so i choose to invest my money into it a higher proportion then other people would consider.