Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Actantal Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Two words that have fueled the imagination of endless story readers and created a rabid fan base of consumers. 1,090,730 words, 3,363 pages, 199 chapters, and 7 books with one subject (Harry Potter) and his objective.  Harry's objective is to rid the world of the wizard who killed Harry's parents in front of him when he was a baby. The six steps of narrative development all are represented throughout the story.

1) Preparation - Harry leaves his home with his abusive Aunt and Uncle to go to Hogwarts school for wizards and witches.
2) Complication - Harry gets expelled from school for use of magic outside of school
3) Transference - Harry is tested in the trial wizard tournament 
4) Struggle - Harry duels Voldemort
5) Return - Harry return to Hogwarts to defeat Voldemort
6) Recognition - Harry sends his children to school in the safe world he provided

The movie trailers did a great job go showing the subject and his helpers and teased how he was going to complete his objective and introduced characters that the view wasn't sure if they were a helper or an opponent.

Trailer for all 8 movies ------->

Algirdas Julien Greimas developed the theory of a story with a subject and an object gets sent and received.

Sender ------------------------------> Object ----------------------------> Receiver
JK Rowling                                    Harry verse Voldemort               Anyone who can read
Warner Bros                                      ^                                                 Anyone who can see a movie
David Yates                                       ^
Helper -------------------------------> Subject --------------------------> Opponent
Order of the Phoenix                       Harry Potter                               Death eaters
Wand                                                                                                   Delores Umbridge

Platform 9 and 3/4 is a scene that encapsulates the actantal theory.  In the scene you can see the helpers (Hargrid and Mrs Weasley) and the opponents (station worker)

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